Safest Countries to Visit
Are you planning your next adventure? Choose to travel wisely by visiting one of the safest countries in the world, which we’ve researched and organized for easy reference here in our guide.
After we talk about all the safe and wonderful places to visit, we’ll also provide you with a list of unsafe places to travel so you can know which areas to avoid.
Europe has consistently been one of the most popular destinations for travelers. This sprawling continent offers visitors a great wealth of cultural diversity and an extensive variety of things to do and places to see.
Many marvelous European countries were ranked by the Travel Channel (and many others) as the safest countries in the world. If you prioritize safety over anything else when it comes to your vacations, Europe is the destination for you.
Safest Places to Travel in Europe
- Finland
- Slovenia
- Switzerland
- Germany
- Portugal
While most countries in Europe are perfectly safe for travelers, Asia is more of a mixed bag. On one hand, they’ve got the war-torn middle east where civil unrest and terrorism run rampant, but on the other, Asia has some of the safest and most elaborate cities in the world.
If you’ve got a particular fascination with Asian culture, make sure you do your homework before planning your trip. If you stick with these safe and miraculous destinations, you’re sure to have a lovely adventure.
Safest Places to Travel in Asia
- Japan
- Singapore
- Bhutan
- United Arab Emirates
- Tokyo
When compared to the other continents of the world, Africa is seldom visited, which is a real shame. Contrary to popular belief and common portrayals in the media, Africa has a lot to offer travelers—one of those offerings being safe, breathtaking vacations.
So long as you practice caution and logic during your travels—meaning you’re not a sucker for scams and you don’t leave your valuables unattended on the beach—you’re sure to have an unforgettable experience that you won’t get anywhere else in the world.
Embark on eye-opening safaris, behold breathtaking sights, and so much more in these traveler-friendly African countries.
Safest Places to Travel in Africa
- Rwanda
- Zambia
- Mauritius
- Namibia
- Morocco
Latin America
Authentic Latin culture is one of the most vibrant, exciting, and rewarding cultures around the globe. With all that’s been happening in Mexico and neighboring Latin countries lately, you may feel a little hesitant to head south of the border for your next adventure.
Fear not, friend. There are plenty of perfectly-safe countries to visit that will delight your senses and emotions with authentic Latin culture. Explore lush jungles, visit geological wonders, dance to the Mariachi, and leave plenty of room in your Nomatic Travel Bag for your collection of brightly-colored, hand-crafted souvenirs.
Safest Places to Travel in Latin America
- Chile
- Peru
- Costa Rica
- The Amazon
- Panama
Do you dream of hopping with kangaroos, snuggling with koalas, or swimming with dolphins? How about sleeping with snakes, splashing with crocodiles, or dining with spiders the size of your face? Despite the stunning beauty of the Oceania continent, there is a great deal of danger and real threats to your wellbeing that should be taken seriously.
Aside from the hostile nature and wildlife, however, Oceania is home to countries with some of the lowest crime rates in the world. So long as you do your homework before you go, and you know how best to handle rogue wildlife, large insects, and scorching UV rays, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t have the trip of a lifetime.
Safest Places to Travel in Oceania
- Australia
- New Zealand
Unsafe Places to Travel
If you had your heart set on a certain destination, but you don’t see it on our list above, do a little research to find out how safe it is for travelers. Below, we’ve also included a list of unsafe places to travel in 2019.
- Russia
- Ukraine
- Turkey
- Mexico
- Colombia
- Venezuela
- Libya
- South Sudan
- Mali
- Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Central African Republic
- Syria
- Iraq
- Iran
- Afghanistan
- Somalia
- North Korea
- Yemen
Travel Wisely with Nomatic
Wherever you go, travel wisely with Nomatic travel gear. Find the perfect feature-packed bag to organize all of your gear and keep your belongings totally secure and easily-accessible during your adventure.